How can you increase melatonin naturally?

How can you increase melatonin naturally?

Melatonin is needed for overall health but is best known as the sleep hormone. Without adequate levels or if its release at night-time is being suppressed by artificial blue light, you will experience poor sleep. Read for easy ways to naturally boost your melatonin.

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March 17, 2021
How much sun should I get daily?

How much sun should I get daily?

Getting sun every day is important for your health, but the sun provides different benefits throughout the day. Early morning and late afternoon sun is best for your circadian rhythm, midday sun is best for increasing your vitamin D content.

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February 22, 2021
Can I get vitamin D on a cloudy day?

Can I get vitamin D on a cloudy day?

The synthesis of vitamin D is triggered by skin exposure to ultraviolet light. Even on a cloudy day, the level of ultraviolet light is sufficient enough to activate this response.

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February 17, 2021
Can you get vitamin D through a window?

Can you get vitamin D through a window?

Increasing your vitamin D levels is critical to strong bones and overall health. Sunlight is your best source but most glass windows filter out UVB, so sitting near a sunny window is not going to help you.  

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February 15, 2021
Why we need to sunbathe regularly

Why we need to sunbathe regularly

Sunbathing is not damaging to our health, but we need to prepare our skin for it. When we don't, the skin doesn't have its own sunscreen, our melanin, to protect it from the harmful UV light.

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February 04, 2021